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Utilities Administration Building

LOCATION: Old Town Fort Collins
CLIENT: City of Fort Collins
SCOPE: Master Planning, Concepts, Construction Administration
COST: $10.2 Million

the UAB brings a public face to the department’s inner workings

The new home of the City of Fort Collins Utilities Department, the UAB brings a public face to the department's inner workings. The project carefully navigates myriad security issues to integrate the public service counter at the ground floor, while accommodating much-needed energy-efficient and comfortable office space. Careful daylighting and abundant collaborative space for the 112 or so open offices promise to promote employee productivity and happiness, while beetle-kill pine and patterned acrylic accent walls add further visual warmth. Public art, including several entry sculptures, custom stained glass, and cast-concrete landscape elements, has been integrated wherever possible to bring a public element to often under-appreciated utilities. 

Designed in collaboration with RNL Design, the project is also intended as a demonstration of sustainable design principles and has been submitted for LEED Platinum status, pending review.