Posts tagged emquartier
EmQuartier featured in "New Design Retail Thailand"

We're excited! EmQuartier and the rest of the Em District have been featured in New Design Retail Thailand, an English-language compendium of "recently-completed high-end shopping mall[s], department store[s], hypermarkets, [...] from Li Zenn Publishing" 

The book contains some wonderful photographs and drawings of the projects. Check out a preview on Issuu, or order a copy on the publisher's website here for 1400.00 Baht (about $40). Don't forget to see our own EmQuartier page for more information. 

It's always nice to see our work out in the world!


Em District featured in Monocle Magazine's Escapist Issue

[au]workshop worked closely with The Mall Group and a wide-ranging design team to develop the recently-completed EmQuartier, particularly in regards to space planning, circulation, and interiors. Below is the article from Monocle (click to enlarge). Be sure to check out our Facebook page for a shot of the facade-wrapping projections in action!

[au] is presently working with The Mall Group to design the third pillar of the Em District: Emsphere, so more to come soon!